Fast and reliable floor removal services to businesses, commercial and industrial properties in California.
Surgical Precision. Quality Floor Removal.
Our certified crews use specialized flooring removal equipment to remove a wide variety of flooring, including tile, stone, hardwood, VCT, Sheet Vinyl, Glued down carpet, epoxy, and coatings. By hiring us, you not only get better quality, but you also get the job done faster. We don’t employ blunt force trauma to complete the job—we use surgical precision to ensure your flooring is removed in a safe, efficient manner. Contact us today for a FREE estimate sheet!
Who We Serve
Commercial Properties
Construction Job Sites
Government Buildings
Retail Stores
What Our Clients Have to Say
After watching these guys work and the professionalism, they were awesome. If I didn't have them, I probably would have had to close my restaurant for a couple of days. I couldn't recommend them more.
Jeff CollaBatter Up Pancakes, Owner
You guys did some work on my house a couple of years ago. I’m following one of your trucks and it reminded me about what a great job you guys did a couple years ago! The sight of your truck prompt me to reach out to say thank you.
Ron N.
I want to tell you that your crews have been excellent!!!
Bev S.
You guys did a great job. The floors look fantastic!
Dan H.
Phil, your team killed it. Thanks for everything! I will recommend you guys to everyone I know!
Scott B.
We've got the Tools!
We've got the Talent!
For over 25 years, Phil White and Chris Mortensen have earned a reputation for excellence in flooring services. Just Commercial Flooring Removal is committed to bringing that same excellence to every job, from start to finish.
- We work with Contractors, Commercial Property and Business owners.
- Our certfied crews use unrivaled specialized flooring removal equipment.
- We offer concrete grinding & scarifying.
- We can leave your concrete slab fully prepared for a sealer & whatever flooring is being installed the adhesive material can be warranted by the manufacturer.